There are many leaders throughout history and in business. Some don’t set out to be, while others are natural-born leaders. These people help shape the world, guide change, and influence decision-making. How does one come to be so inspirational? Author and motivational speaker, Simon Sinek, believes that the key to great leadership is actually quite simple.

great leader golden circleIn his 2009 Ted Talk, Sinek detailed his thoughts on leadership through the concept of ‘The Golden Circle’, which demonstrates why some organizations and leaders are able to inspire. The outermost circle depicts ‘what we do’’, in the middle is ‘how we do it’, and directly in the center is ‘‘why we do it’. In his specific example, he relates this to companies and their products.

Sinek acknowledges that every person or company knows what they do 100%, and some know how they do it. But, very few organizations and people know why they do it. The ‘why’ goes far beyond our needs, such as a company’s profits. Instead, it represents our purpose, cause or belief, and why we get out of bed every day.

The Golden Circle & Inspired Leaders

With the Golden Circle in mind, inspired leaders all think, act, and communicate from the inside out. In other words, they always start with finding their ‘why’, or passion. Sinek sums it up perfectly when he explains, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. The goal isn’t to do business with everyone that needs what you have. It’s to do business with people who believe what you believe.”

Leaders inspire and motivate others to work because of their shared passion, not an arbitrary result (e.g. sales goals). When leaders focus on the meaning behind the work, they build trust and fulfillment. As a result, people are more likely to remain loyal to a company and/or leader and follow not because they have to, but because they want to.

“If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. If you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood, sweat, and tears.”- Simon Sinek

The biggest take away is that you don’t have to be born a leader to become one. Leadership is a skill and we all have the capacity to become a better leader through consistent practice. As Sinek would say, “Good leadership is less about being in charge but rather taking care of those in your charge.” Overall, a good leader must:

  • Have the desire to become a great leader– consider yourself a student, regardless of status
  • Put people first– empower others to achieve and prioritize the well-being of your people
  • Practice empathy– have concern for the human being, not just their output

Here are some leaders that inspire us:

Michelle Obama

“I picked Michelle because while graceful, honest and empathetic, at the core Michelle Obama is a great leader because she leads by example. In doing so, she empowers people of all ages and walks of life to persevere, demand equality, and prioritize their education.” – Amanda, Marketing Manager

Seth Godin leaders

Image Source: Seth’s Blog

Seth Godin

Marketing expert, Seth Godin, is known for his revolutionary views on marketing authenticity. “Godin sees marketing as a means to create a better world through connection and empathy, as opposed to selling stuff to the masses. That is at the heart of all the small businesses we work with and why I really love his books.” – Shannon, Director of Marketing & Operations

Linus Torvalds leaders

Image Source: Best SEO ideas

Linus Torvalds

Tech entrepreneur, Linus Torvalds, believes that in order to make something great, you must create something that is useful to people. “He has always been an advocate of open source and the collaboration of many public people on projects working together to further the whole. Linus Torvalds was and continues to be influential to the process and choices that go into development processes for information’s systems.” – John, IT Specialist

Harriet Tubman leader

Image Source: The Indypendant

Harriet Tubman

In the pursuit of freedom, Harriet Tubman sacrificed her own life for the betterment of others. “For someone to escape slavery and put herself in danger many times afterward by helping others escape to freedom via the Underground Railroad shows courage and compassion.” – Dan, Graphic Design

Are there any leaders that have inspired you? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.